Below, we've aggregated some resources which we hope you will find useful as you work on your final projects. This list of resources will be continually updated throughout the semester.
T-CAIREM is the Temerty Center for AI in Medicine, and has several resources for books, textbooks, reports, and research papers in AI in medicine.
PhysioNet presents a repository of medical research data. We would especially draw your attention to the following:
Data from a 10-year observation study of 1000 newly diagnosed myeloma patients receiving various standard approved treatments. Access instructions here.
Multi-institutional routine clinically-acquired pre-operative multimodal MRI scans of glioblastoma (GBM/HGG) and lower grade glioma (LGG), with pathologically confirmed diagnosis.
Dataset relating to patients who were treated as part of the Philips eICU program across intensive care units in the United States. It contains data regarding the clinical care of ICU patients. Access instructions here.
Data from longitudinal study to define and measure biomarkers associated with Parkinson's disease. Access instructions here.
25,331 images available for the classification of dermoscopic images among nine different diagnostic categories.
Crowdsourced cough recordings representing a wide range of subject ages, genders, geographic locations, and corresponding COVID-19 statuses.
Database of COVID-19 related clinical studies being conducted worldwide.